Monday, August 4, 2008

A Jewish Conspiracy Theorist

Note: This letter was handwritten over 4 pages!

Format: Fax
Faxed From: A Random Office Max
Author: Anonymous

*Please read this important information.

Dear Editor,

There is an increasing problem among the leadership of this country that is causing abuse and allowing discrimination of Caucasians, Asians, Hispanics, Africans, Christians and Moslems. A very real conspiracy exists between some Jewish and atheist politicians and media celebrities to take total control of the politics of the United States and the activities of our citizens. Our media networks are Controlling the information that the public receives; they are also misusing advanced technology for harassment and illegal surveillance of our people. Most of our secular communications and newspaper corporations are owned by international jewish financiers and atheistic foreign officials.

Privileged treatment and positions of influence are being given to Jewish citizens and immigrants that are disproportional to their percentage of the population. In our country of over 300 million people, about 6 million are jewish, approximately 2 percent of our population. Yet over 10 percent of our US Senators have publicly acknowledged their Jewish ancestry, that is over five times their percentage of the population. There are many other Senators that have not made public that they have jewish ancestors, and say that they are nominal Protestants and Catholics. Most of the appointed positions of influence in our government have been given to Jews in recent decades.

Jews often emigrate here from Russia, Ireland, Greece, England, Italy, and Poland.

In recent years many important official positions of world finance and U.S. politics have been given to Ashkenazi jews. World Bank president is an office that is currently occupied by Robert Zoellick, and previously by Paul Wolfowitz until a scandal caused his resignation. Recent Federal Reserve chairmen have also been exclusively Jewish. Current chairman Ben Bernanke recently replaced long time icon Allen Greenspan in that influential position. Many government appointees, in the last 20 years, have also had jewish ancestors from eastern Europe including: Secretary of State Albright, Sec. of Defense Cohen, Sec. of Treasury Rubin, Sec. of Agriculture Glickman, Sec. of Commerce Kantor, and Sec. of Homeland Security Chertoff.

Jewish influence in our representative government is disproportionate. Christianity and other religions are discriminated against for appointed government positions. Some state political committees and parties also practice discrimination against Christians and nonjewish ethnic peoples. This is causing an increasingly biased political system hat does not represent the interests of our citizens. This bias is also increasing in the U.S. Senate. More than 10 Senators acknowledge their jewish faith or jewish ancestry according to internet information sources. More than 30 other Senators also have jewish ancestors and Hasidic religion influence, and have not publicly acknowledged this.

Jewish politicians often change their names and facial appearance.

United States Senators that have Jewish ancestry or faith according to internet information include: Sen. Boxer (CA), Cardin (MD), Clinton (NY), Coleman (MN), Durbin (IL), Feingold (WI), Feinstein (CA), Klobuchar (MN), Kohl (WI), Lautenberg (NJ), Levin (MI), Lierbman (CT), Mikulski (MD), Sanders (VT), Schumer (NY), Snowe (ME), Specter (PA), Sununu (NH), Wyden (OR).

Other US Senators that likey have Jewish ancestry or association with Israeli lobbyists are: Senator Bennett (UT), Biden (DE), Casey (PA), Collins (ME), Conrad (ND), Craig (ID), Crapo (ID), Dodd (CT), Grassley (IA), Harkin (IA), Hutchinson (TX), Kennedy (MA), Reed (RI), ROberts (KS), Rockefeller (WV), Shelby (AL), Thune (SD), Vitter (LA), Voinovich (OH), Warner (VA), Wixker (MS), Byrd (WV), Kerry (MA).

US Govenors that are Jewish or associated with Israeli lobbyist groups are: Govenor Schwarzenegger (CA), Minner (DE), Crist (FL), Lingle (HA), Daniels (IN), Pawlenty (MN), Sanford (SC), Kulongoski (OR), Rendell (PA), Schweizer (MT).

Jewish politicians are vulnerable to Illuminati influence.

There are many organizations in our society that Jewish people have earned or been placed in positions of importance that includes the communication media, banking, universities, sports commissioners and franchise owners, business executives and CEOs, fund raising and religion. Wealthy jews and atheists from Hollywood became involved with Communist harassment networks that were supervising illegal activities in the US, since the 1930s, such as the KULTRA experiments and eugenics of the Nazis. This developed into a world wide conspiracy of financiers, Rothschild bankers, freemasons, privileged aristocrats and communist immigrants to control U.S> and world politics and to abuse our citizens. Author Texe Marrs and historian Frank Weltner inform readers of the plans of the Illuminati on their internet sites. ALPAC and the militant Jewish Defense League fund many of their terrorist activities. Jane Fonda and CNN owner Ted Turner coordinate their takeover plans.

The Illuminati leaders have stated that they will cause future terrorist attacks on U.S. citizens to allow our politicians to suspend the laws of democracy and the rights of our citizens for Homeland security. They plan to forcibly microchip citizens for surveillance and control. They want no restrictions on satellite broadcasts. They have promised Jewish residents of the US curers and specialized medicines for Ashkenazi diseases and disorders, such as Alzheimers and dyslexia. They advocate military takeover of other countries and the genocide of non-Jews


Kelly said...



Unknown said...

hmm, I'm currently dating a jew, does that mean I'm going to be killed? Or am I a pawn?


(I still can't find her jew gold)

Jessica R said...

I think maybe someone should tell him Jesus had Jewish ancestry.